Monday, September 15, 2008

ideas for bike attacks/ bike related ideas

some ideas for rides that ramon, chris, and i discussed are as follows...

masquerade ride: where we each get a costume or mask or something and ride wherever we'd like to go, maybe this would be a dope halloween ride. we were inspired by batman masks at walmart. but if you choose to be batman, steal that mask, don't support wal mart! or, buy it from a local costume shop.

victoria park raft adventure inspired by a mysterious illusion of a land rift in the middle of the pond in victoria park; basically we're ride there with inflatable rafts and walkie talkies and explore the mystery. up the pirates!

nature ride self explanatory. and yet, so vague. who knows where we could go with this.

ride to gainesville i'll ask my sister about staying at her place, this will depend of course on how many people are coming. but it woudl be so gnar!
ride to daytona tyler has a friend whose house we could crash at. and we could skate those dope spots by the beach, and swim!
quest for the lost spring of deltona
classified information. email me if you don't already know.

other important stuff for the near future includes...
getting small bikes for bike jousts
getting v neck shirts and writing our riding names on the back. so far, chris is the cap'n, matt is humanimal, and i'm the red baron.
a location for our bike collective

what do you think?



ryanfromdeland said...

me and ian totally rode to daytona once after riding out to lake woodruff at midnight - wicked fun - go there after they close and czech out the fucking train - it's intense as fuck when everything else is silent and it's all pitch black. me and ian also got cought shoplifting from the 711 right on the beach there and booked it to the post office to crash for a second then to barnes and noble, back over the river and slept in front of there until morning.

wacky shit

ryanfromdeland said...

humanimal is a rasquatch song! i was in that band
and waterpark is a deaf gordon song - i was in that band too

nathan said...

haha, i dunno, matt came up with the name, i haven't heard of rasquatch but dope name! and of course waterpark is a deaf gordon cover, we did it justice.

Uphill Downhill said...

the red baron went out, forty below. . .

Tommy Bahama said...

Me and tyler were going to ride to daytona before but it never happend. I would be so down for a long ride like that!